Wednesday 20 January 2016

Party Pizza Pinwheels

Over Christmas I spent a lot of time going backwards and forwards between family and friends in four (non-adjacent) counties. While not cooking Christmas dinner was probably something of a relief, I would have liked to have taken something with me, such as the starter for Christmas dinner at my parents, or a dessert for my fiance’s family’s house on Boxing Day. But we weren’t home long enough for me to cook anything!
I didn’t want to go empty-handed though so came across this very quick recipe for some tasty treats. They are great for buffets or parties and are very fast to make if you use ready-made puff pastry.
Roll out a sheet of puff pastry and spread with tomato puree, then sprinkle liberally with grated cheese. You can also add wafer-thin sliced ham.
Roll up the pastry to make a long sausage shape and slice into thin rounds.
Bake in the oven until the pastry is risen and golden brown. Serve hot or cold – they taste really good!

I'm sending this to Treat Petite, hosted by Kat the Baking Explorer and Stuart at Cakeyboi as the theme is fruit and veg.


  1. Yum! They look delicious Caroline. I'm wondering whether they might also work with pizza dough?

  2. I am obsessed with pizza and these bites sized treats look so yummy and perfect for a party! Thanks for entering into Treat Petite.


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