Wednesday 8 May 2013

Hershey's Kisses Chocolate Brownies

For my birthday last year Ros made some amazing chocolate brownies and I bookmarked the recipe, but still hadn't gotten around to making it. She used pieces of Hershey's cookies and cream chocolate, and I had a bag of the same type but Hershey's Kisses rather than in bar form. When the letter for this month's Alphabakes turned out to be K, I decided this was a good excuse to make the brownies!

You need:
200g butter
375g caster sugar
170g dark chocolate
165g flour
80g cocoa powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp vanilla extract
4 eggs
about 150g Hershey's Cookies and Cream Kisses

Melt the chocolate and the butter

When melted, stir in the sugar then remove from the heat

When the sugar has dissolved, add the eggs one at a time and beat in with a wooden spoon

Mix the flour and the cooca in a separate bowl

Here are the Hershey's Kisses I bought in America

Stir the kisses into the chocolate brownie mixture

Spoon into a lined square cake tin and bake at 180C for 30-35 minutes

The top always cracks when I make brownies - does anyone know why this is?

 Cut into squares - you can see the Hershey's Kisses inside. They gave a satisfying bite as they stay fairly solid. I took the brownies on a picnic and they went down really well!

I'm sending these to Alphabakes, the blog challenge I'm hosting this month, as the letter I have randomly chosen is K.

I'm also sharing this with Bookmarked Recipes, hosted by Jacqueline of Tinned Tomatoes, as I bookmarked it as soon as I saw it on The More Than Occasional Baker.

1 comment:

  1. Kisses!! Another great K! These look bloody amazing!!


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