Monday 12 August 2013

Meal Planning Monday 2013 - week 33

Big news this week- my boyfriend is finally moving in! It's been a long time coming and so I'm really looking forward to it, though it will definitely mean we both have to get used to doing things differently - I've lived on my own for a few years now and in terms of cooking meals, I can put on some pasta if I'm late home, or have leftovers for my lunch - but my boyfriend is super fussy so some times I think I will end up having to cook us different meals. Does anyone else have to cook different meals for members of their families, and how do you cope when you're on a diet and they want burger and chips?!

On a separate note, I wonder how many other people go through phases of making several recipes from the same book? I haven't really cooked much from Jamie's 30 Minute Meals before but have been flicking through and picked out several things to make this week - and it's easier than picking five different cookery books from my shelf and going through them all to find a week's meals!

Breakfast cereal
Lunch leftover paella
Dinner fishcake from freezer and make mango frozen yogurt from Jamie's 30 Minute Meals p.50. Also need to make macaroni and broccoli bake for tomorrow

Breakfast cereal
Lunch macaroni and broccoli bake
Dinner Hopefully having my boyfriend over - mustard chicken and quick dauphinoise from Jamie's 30 Minute Meals p.97

Breakfast yogurt
Lunch meeting at lunchtime so sandwiches will be provided
Dinner stir fry (I bought a bag of stir fry veg as it was reduced and will throw in some chicken)

Breakfast cereal
Lunch leftover stir fry
Dinner At my boyfriend's house? Or pasta puttanesca if home

Breakfast cereal
Lunch out with a friend
Dinner Was meant to be out with friends but it's just been cancelled - so I will either make pasta puttanesca or see what I've got in the freezer to use up

Breakfast yogurt
Lunch tuna pasta
Dinner Not entirely sure whether my boyfriend is moving in today or tomorrow, but this could be our first dinner at home together. I've got two Wagyu beef burgers which I think he will love, and I'm making Oreo cheesecake for our first dessert.

Brunch sausage/bacon/egg - something simple as it's either moving day or unpacking day!
Dinner Wagyu beef burger if we didn't have it yesterday or steak and potato wedges


  1. Ohhh congrats about moving in together...
    I used to cook different meals for us all...My partner & 2 kids but it just got too expensive and I was spending far too long in the kitchen....Now one meal is cooked they like it or lump it!!
    Fab meal plan x

  2. Aahh congratulations on co-habiting! Cooking for two instead of one was one of my hardest adjustments especially when you have to factor in different tastes and portion sizes! Over the last year I've been trying to diet too so it's been extra hard. I've been following Closer Diets and due to time really my boyf has to eat the same meals as me but I just try to double up his portions!

  3. What lovely news, congratulations.

    Your meal plans never sound very diet-ey (they always sound gorgeous) so I don't suppose you'll have too many problems, especially if you just up the boyf's portions a bit. I think it's best to try and avoid getting in the habit of cooking different things as it can end up expensive and complicated (although obviously it is fine once in a while...) And keeping some easy carbs to hand (frozen oven chips, micro rice etc.) can be helpful for adding bulk to their plate but not yours for relatively little effort.

    I hope it all goes well and you enjoy your first weekend as a co-habiting couple!


    1. Thank you! Haha you're right, it never sounds like I'm on a diet, does it... that's probably why I'm not losing much weight! But then with Slimming World you can eat all sorts of things, it doesn't have to be salad :-) The problem with cooking for my boyfriend is that he is really fussy and doesn't like a lot of things I do - he would hardly eat anything off this week's menu in fact, as he doesn't eat stir fry or paella, or particularly like pasta! So it will definitely be a bit of a challenge but I will make it work - and sometimes send him back round to his mum's for dinner lol

  4. I had this problem when my boyfriend moved in. Essentially if he's eating the same meal as me I'll cook. But if he wants something different he sorts himself out...

    1. Unfortunately he can't cook, and if I said that he would just spend a fortune on takeaway pizza - or just go back round to his mum's house where she will cook him whatever he wants! Which is not what living together is supposed to be like :-)


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