Thursday 1 June 2017

Nutella and Frangelico Pancake Bake

This Shrove Tuesday we invited my husband's mum over to dinner, and while I considered making savoury pancakes as the main course I knew I really wanted to do them as dessert. It would have involved me making several pancakes one at a time and keeping them warm and I wondered if there was an easier option - something where I could layer the pancakes together as a dessert.

This recipe for Nutella pancakes from Nigella was just the thing! I decided to make life even easier for myself and buy ready-made crepes, which I spread with Nutella and folded up and poured over some melted butter and Frangelico hazelnut liqueur. My husband doesn't like nuts (pieces of nut, anyway) so I left off the chopped hazelnuts that Nigella recommends sprinkling over the top.

They only needed ten minutes baked in the oven; serve with whipped cream for a delicious decadent dessert!

This is Frangelico, if you haven't tried it before. It's a liqueur made with Italian hazelnuts and its origins are thought to date back 300 years when hazelnuts were distilled by monks (hence the design of the label!). It tastes really nice in cocktails.

Spread the crepes with Nutella and fold and layer in a serving dish

Pour over the cream and Frangelico

Bake in the oven for ten minutes

Serve with whipped cream

Leftovers.... yum!

I'm sending this to CookBlogShare, hosted this week by Hijacked by Twins.


  1. ooh my goodness this sounds divine! what a great way of using pancakes for a dessert. x

  2. Oh wow! I love Frangelico and this dessert sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing with #CookBlogShare x


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