Friday 6 November 2015

Mini Pumpkin Stuffed with Cauliflower Rice

It may be a little late now but perhaps you have your Halloween pumpkin left over and are wondering what to do with it? Providing it isn't too past it - or you haven't left it out on your doorstep all night for passing wildlife to nibble on (or worse) then of course you can eat it!

I bought a couple of mini pumpkins or 'munchkins' from Sainsburys for 90p each which I thought were just the right amount for one person - though I forgot that once you scoop the seeds out, there's not a huge amount of pumpkin left. So I would do these as a side vegetable rather than as the main course -though you could use the same recipe with a larger pumpkin for a main course.

I roasted the whole mini pumpkin in the oven for about half an hour, by which point it was soft enough to cut in half and scoop out the seeds (if you can, just cut a small section off the top and scoop it out that way as it looks better when it's served).

For the filling, I mixed some cauliflower rice - which I explained how to make here, but in this case I bought a tub of it from Tesco - with some diced red pepper and red onion, though you can add whatever veg you like. I fried it until the peppers and onion were soft and then filled the pumpkin with it.

 I served it on a bed of spiralized carrot which I also bought in Tesco.

I'm sending this to the Extra Veg challenge hosted by Helen at Fuss Free Flavours - I don't often have entirely vegetarian meals and I don't even like pumpkin all that much but these are fun and seasonal so I can't resist!


  1. brilliant-what did it taste like?

  2. I love this idea - and a great idea to stuff the munchkin with cauliflower rice.

    Thanks for sharing with #ExtraVeg


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