Monday 5 November 2012

Meal Planning - Week 16

I lost a pound at Slimming World last week, which I really wasn't expecting given the rubbish I ate (burgers, sausages, pizza, chips....). I have to make sure it doesn't catch up on me this week by being a bit healthier!
I've decided to take out the sections relating to what I actually ate, as I was doing this purely for myself and other people aren't really interested in counting syns. So I'm going to make a copy of each meal plan and save one as a draft, so I can continue to update it and keep track of my syns, and just post the actual menu plan on my public blog.

Breakfast Cereal
Lunch Roasted chicken and cous cous or Mug Shot pasta
Dinner It's our second anniversary! By which I mean I met my boyfriend two years ago today (so jealous of people who actually have wedding anniversaries to celebrate!). To celebrate we're going out for dinner this evening to Ed's Easy Diner (so a very unhealthy burger!) then to see Phantom of the Opera

Breakfast Cereal
Lunch Roasted chicken and cous cous or Mug Shot pasta
Dinner Tiger prawn risotto with lobster sauce, Delia's how to cook p61. Though I already realise I will have to rethink this, as Asda didn't deliver one of the key ingredients for this recipe!

Breakfast Boiled egg or even Kartoffelpuffer if time
Lunch Sandwich
Dinner Will invite my boyfriend to dinner. marinated pork with jerk seasoning and grilled pineapple salsa on p.32 of Delia How to cook book 2. He claims he doesn't like pork, but the list of things he doesn't eat is so long I need to try to get him to eat a few other things, so hopefully he will like this! Or at a push I could do him chicken with the same seasoning but I might get him to try some of my pork!
For dessert if there is time and I haven't been too much of a pig this week I will make coffee cappucino creams, from the Delia book p188

Breakfast  Cereal
Lunch Roasted chicken and cous cous or Mug Shot pasta
Dinner Ought to go to Slimming World after work as I can't on Saturday, so will need a quick dinner for when I get back - might just have some pasta and then make enough for lunch tomorrow.

Breakfast Cereal
Lunch Pasta
Dinner Fish in breadcrumbs with fried potatoes

I'm going to Cake International in Birmingham today! Really excited as I wanted to go to this earlier this year in London but couldn't. So instead Ros from The More Than Occasional Baker are taking the train from London to Birmingham today! I'm taking a packed lunch and snacks and am not sure what I will do about dinner as I will probably be home quite late.

Breakfast Cereal
Lunch Will invite my boyfriend to lunch as I won't have seen him since Weds night/ possibly Thurs morning. I think I'll do a toad in the hole with beef for Sunday lunch.
Dinner Lamb with harissa and pomegranate from a recipe I found online.


  1. Happy anniversary. No proposals here yet either and nearly 4 years lol.
    I hope you enjoy Phantom of the opera x

  2. losing a pound is better than nothing. you are doing very well.!

  3. Happy 2nd anniversary!!! Until I met my husband I never made it to a year in a relationship so I was quite excited when we reached the Big One!

    Enjoy Cake International x

    1. Thank you! Though my last relationship was 11 years, so two years doesn't seem very long at all... though this one is a million times better than my useless ex :-)


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