Thursday 1 November 2012

Alphabakes Challenge - November 2012

Alphabakes continues to be a resounding success; even though some people found last month's letter a little more difficult, we had plenty of entries beginning with the letter N. I made nanaimo bars, which I thought was inspired, but several other people had the same idea! Check out my co-host Ros's blog The More Than Occasional Baker for the round-up; she outdid herself with her Neapolitan rose cake and the other entries we had were all a real treat for the eyes, and I'm sure the tastebuds as well!

So without further ado I can share with you all that the letter we are baking with this month is.....


I hope that we will still get plenty of entries and that you won't all think this is too hard.... jam is perhaps the most obvious thing that starts with J (which you could either make, or use as an ingredient - Alphabakes is always open to interpretation!) but I've already got two other bakes up my sleeve. One is something I've been wanting to try baking for a while and the other is something I remember eating as a child and I'm not even sure I will be able to find a recipe, but I will give it a go!

As always, the deadline for entries is the 25th of the month. Please, please remember to email your entries otherwise it might not be included in the round up! Do also tweet us a link if you are able, to @Caroline_Makes and @BakingAddict, and we will retweet the ones that we see.

A quick reminder of the rules...

1. Post your recipe on your blog and link it to The More than Occasional Baker and Caroline Makes, stating the relevant month's host. If you do not have a blog, email us a picture and a brief description of your entry which we will include in the round-up at the end of the month.

2. You can use your own recipe or someone else's recipe. The recipe can be sweet, savoury or a mixture! Anything goes as long as the random letter is predominantly featured in the recipe as one of the main ingredients or flavours or in the name of the bake itself (i .e . not as a garnish , or using 'flour' for the letter F!) You can also republish old posts/recipes but you must include the information for this challenge as stated in these rules.

3. Add the logo to your post and add 'alphabakes' as a label to your post.

4. Email your entries to by midnight (GMT) 25th of each month. Please include:

Your name (that you want included in the round up or we will use the name of your blog)
Your blog post URL
Recipe title
Photo of recipe (to be included in the round up)

5. You can submit as many entries as you like.

6. You do not have to participate every month to join in.

7. You may submit your entry to other challenges as long as it complies with their rules.

8. If you use twitter, please use the tag #alphabakes and mention @bakingaddict and @Caroline_Makes. We will retweet all those that we see.

9. Have fun! :)


  1. oooooh... a tough one I think? J for Jam, J for Juniper, J for Jelly... J for Just get on and bake young man!

    1. I was just wondering if I could combine juniper and gin for Baking with Spirit! I can think of a few things you haven't listed...jalapeno peppers for one! Plus two things which I'm baking that I'm not giving away just yet :-) I hope we do get a decent number of entries though as it's not the easiest letter!

  2. Is jam allowed as a recipe rather than an ingredient? It's not really baked, but I do have any entry if it is allowed. I can think of something I've wanted to make for ages beginning with J, but may not have time to try it.

    1. Jam is absolutely fine! We often have entries that are desserts and not technically baked, and jam is something that needs cooking and you follow a recipe etc, so it definitely counts!


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