Monday 20 November 2017

Meal Planning Monday 2017 - Week 47

Last week was a busy week so I didn't get to blog much. One night I was out at the Institute of Internal Communications awards - where I, ahem, won an award for the third year in a row - and the other nights I was either too tired to do much or preparing for my parents coming to stay (the spare room is finally tidy and ready to start being turned into a nursery, once we buy some nursery furniture anyway!).

Since my parents were here I didn't do the meal planning or food shopping I usually would on the weekend so everything is a bit ad hoc today.... I thought I'd do a bare bones meal plan at any rate and hopefully fill it in later!

Lunch: leftovers from the weekend
Dinner: Toad in the hole deconstructed (to use leftover Yorkshire puddings) with mashed potato

Tuesday working from home
Lunch: TBA
Dinner: Leek and ham hock gratin for me, based on this recipe, and something different TBA for my hubby!

Dinner: TBA

Dinner – pasta, quick so I can make a cake (also my husband is out)

Lunch: TBA
Dinner:- quick dinner, as I will be decorating the cake

lunch – out
Dinner – home late, pizza from freezer

lunch- out
Dinner – TBA

Join in the blog hop!


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your award, it sounds like you had another busy week! Thank you for sharing with #MealPlanningMonday x


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