Monday 13 October 2014

Meal Planning Monday - week 42

I'm a sucker for pretty stationery and love notebooks, sticky notes and so on. I went into Paperchase last week to literally just buy a pencil (for scribbling notes in my choir music) and ended up spending £8 on this magnetic meal planner. How cute is that?!

Each week is a page that you tear off afterwards - I prefer this to the wipe-clean kind even though it is less economical, because I always find the pen that you get with the wipe clean boards runs out or goes missing, and this just looks neater. And if you really wanted, you could keep each week's page for future reference!

It also comes with a shopping list notepad (in the far right of the picture) which is really helpful. My only quibble is that Saturday and Sunday are smaller boxes but it's at the weekend that I do more cooking and plan lunches as well as dinners, so I would prefer to have more room for those days, not less!

We are both back at work this week and at the moment have no social events or evenings out planned, but I feel I have neglected my friends lately in favour of redecorating and my boyfriend and I could use a 'date night' as we haven't had one for ages (unless you count the evening we went round Ikea!). So this week's meal plan may change as and when I arrange to see people. However, I've just read there are tube strikes planned for this week from Tuesday to Thursday so maybe I won't plan to go out after work at all!

I am sharing my meal plan with At Home With Mrs M for her 'Meal Planning Monday' blog hop as I usually do. This time she has started a new regular slot called 'Meet the Meal Planner' and the first person to take part is yours truly. So if you're interested in finding out more about how and why I do my meal plans, head on over to her site and read this.

I'm at a choir rehearsal in the evening so my boyfriend will have dinner at his mum's

I have to go to some after-work drinks so will be home a bit late and need something quick so have bought frozen pizzas.

Chicken curry for him, prawn curry for me

I'm out at a work colleague's leaving dinner so my boyfriend will probably have dinner at his mum's

Tacos with potato wedges

Lunch spaghetti carbonara
Dinner Slimming World cheesy broccoli and potato bake from 'Comfort food that slims' with sausages (Quorn sausages for me)

Lunch baked camembert with crusty bread - yes, I know that doesn't really fit with Slimming World...
Dinner Slimming World Mediterranean chicken tray bake from 'Comfort food that slims'

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