The Make Lounge is a cool little craft workshop in London that has a shop at street level, and downstairs two workrooms where they run different classes.
I signed up for their "survival sewing" course last year, as I literally can't sew on a button... which is one of the things they teach! We were told to bring a pair of trousers to learn how to take up a hem as well, which was really useful as I'm quite short and can never get trousers that fit!

There were about ten of us in the class, all total beginners when it came to sewing. Over a glass of wine and some nibbles we learnt some handy tricks. I managed to get the teacher to sew a button back onto my coat for me and then do one myself, and take up the hem of one trouser leg before we ran out of time. I finished the other one off at home!

I've been back to the Make Lounge since then which I will write a separate post about. Technically I didn't make anything in this class, but I did learn a lot!
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