Monday 18 September 2017

Meal Planning Monday 2017 Week 38

A mixture this week of recipes from, one or two nice things I got from Ocado (I only do a big online shop once every 6 weeks or so) and finally having a social life for the first time in a long time - the extreme fatigue phase of early pregnancy seems to be over now, thank goodness!

Breakfast cereal, yogurt and fruit
Lunch ham sandwich
Dinner fishcakes

Tuesday - working from home
Breakfast porridge
Lunch macaroni cheese on toast (guilty pleasure!)
Dinner : apple and lamb mince with cous cous I was going to make last week but didn't

Breakfast cereal, yogurt and fruit
Lunch leftovers from last night's dinner?
Dinner salmon with pine nuts, broccoli and sweet potato mash  I was going to make last week but didn't

Breakfast porridge
Lunch tuna sandwich
Dinner out with friends

Breakfast cereal, yogurt and fruit
Lunch ham sandwich
Dinner tuna risotto- not much time as I'm at pregnancy yoga
Breakfast cereal, yogurt and fruit
Lunch ham and cheese quesadillas
Dinner mozzarella chicken  I was going to make last week but didn't

Breakfast porridge
Lunch bacon sandwich
Dinner Beef burger pastry lattice from Ocado, with mashed potato

Join in the blog hop!


  1. Pregnancy? Oh wow! I missed that announcement! How exciting. Congratulations!
    Great meal plan! I love the sound of the apple and lamb mince with cous cous x

  2. So many delicious meals! I wanted to say congratulations last week but didn't know if you'd shared on the blog yet. I look forward to following your pregnancy and wish you all the best x


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