Monday 13 March 2017

Meal Planning Monday 2017 - Week 11

Finally this week things should be getting back to normal...I've finished my coursework (hooray!) and had booked a day off on Friday but might cancel it now I don't need it for coursework - depending on how busy I am at work. I've certainly got plenty of other things to be getting on with at home!

Lunch: chicken salad
Dinner: fishcake with poached egg for me, gammon with fried egg for him

Tuesday- working from home
Lunch: jacket potato
Dinner: sausage, mash and cauliflower cheese

Lunch: salmon salad
Dinner: chicken parmo, similar to this recipe, with chips

Lunch: chicken salad
Dinner: chicken chargrills for him, bubble and squeak patty for me

Friday - got a day off work booked today
Lunch: whatever I can rustle up from the fridge or store cupboard
Dinner: burger and chips

Lunch: eggs benedict on waffles from this recipe - might miss out the marmite!
Dinner: individual pastry tarts based on this recipe with a side dish of green beans with blue cheese from this recipe and sweet and sour carrots from the same page, and potato of some kind for my husband who doesn't like either
Dessert: cookie cup with biscuit base, filled with some concoction I haven't created yet

Sunday - going to a birthday party for one of my husband's nephews over lunchtime
Brunch: scrambled eggs with bacon on toast for him, poached eggs, smoked salmon and toast for me. That's a lot of eggs this weekend but it's good for you!
Dinner: toad in the hole I was going to do last Sunday but didn't

This is a blog hop, join in!


  1. Sounds like a great menu! Have a lovely week :-D

  2. Everything sounds great. Hope you're having a good week. Thank you for sharing with #mealplanningmonday x


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