Tuesday 1 January 2013

Alphabakes January 2013

Happy New Year!

It was great to see all the Alphabakes entries for December - the letter S lent itself quite well to the festive season. We had stollen, snowmen and stockings, shortbread...plus sticky toffee pudding and Sachertorte, and those were just the things I baked myself! If you haven't already checked out the roundup, visit my co-host Ros's site.

We've got another prize on offer this month: "On A Stick", a recipe book featuring all the foods you could imagine serving on a stick... and several you can't! It would be great for parties or catering for crowds or even an at-home floor picnic with the kids. The recipes and photos look really good and Ros and I would like to thank PGUK Publishers for providing this as a prize.

This prize is only available to UK and Ireland participants so if it's not obvious where you are from on your blog, please let me know in your email. A winner will be chosen at random after all entries have been collated.

So all you need to know now is which letter we are baking with in January! I hope you all have lots of ideas for bakes and ingredients beginning with the letter....


As a reminder, we will accept entries where the main - or one of the main - ingredients begins with the letter, or the name of the bake itself starts with the letter. A reminder of the rules in full but first a quick plea to remember to email your entry to alphabakes@gmail.com and not just Tweet it if you want to make sure you are in the running for the prize!

1. Post your recipe on your blog and link it to The More than Occasional Baker and Caroline Makes, stating the relevant month's host. If you do not have a blog, email us a picture and a brief description of your entry which we will include in the round-up at the end of the month.

2. You can use your own recipe or someone else's recipe. The recipe can be sweet, savoury or a mixture! Anything goes as long as the random letter is predominantly featured in the recipe as one of the main ingredients or flavours or in the name of the bake itself (i .e . not as a garnish , or using 'flour' for the letter F!) You can also republish old posts/recipes but you must include the information for this challenge as stated in these rules.

3. Add the logo to your post and add 'alphabakes' as a label to your post.

4. Email your entries to alphabakes@gmail.com by midnight (GMT) 25th of January. Please include:
  • Your name (that you want included in the round up or we will use the name of your blog)
  • Your blog post URL
  • Recipe title
  • Photo of recipe (to be included in the round up)
5. You can submit as many entries as you like.

6. You do not have to participate every month to join in.

7. You may submit your entry to other challenges as long as it complies with their rules.

8. If you use twitter, please use the tag #alphabakes and mention @bakingaddict and @Caroline_Makes. We will retweet all those that we see.

9. Have fun! :)


  1. It says entries by 29/12/12 so January's challenge is over? What is the next letter? Love to join in the fun!

    Deirdre @ http://thekitschcook.blogspot.ie/

    1. Oops, thanks for pointing that out! I just copied and pasted from last month, the deadline is January 25th :-)

  2. Cool thanks look forward to entering!!


Thank you for your comment, all feedback is appreciated - even the negative! However due to a lot of spam comments on this blog I have had to turn on captcha. If you have problems leaving a comment please email me at caroline@carolinemakes.net