Friday 8 June 2012

Pint of beer cards - Father's Day and birthday

I bought a template to make cards shaped like a pint glass - you simply draw round it on a suitably-sized card blank, though you could also draw and cut out this shape freehand as it isn't too hard. Just make sure the edge of the handle is the fold of the card so the front and the back of the card stay attached!

I wanted to decorate it to still look like a pint of beer so on the card above, I used a patterned yellow paper for most of it and plain yellow to represent the froth on the top. I cut out a small square and used gold outline stickers to say "to my dear father".

I did something similar on this card but covered it with printed paper that had 'man-related' words on it - if you look closely you can see it says football, beer etc. I also had a pack of metal tags with different alphabet letters, that you can fix onto paper or card using small brads that came in the same pack. I bought these ages ago for something else I made but still had the right letters to spell out the recipient's name. Of course if his name was more than four letters long, it wouldn't have fit on the card!

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