Thursday 31 May 2012

Frugal Food Fridays

The lovely Helen at Fuss Free Flavours has invited me to guests host her blogging challenge, Frugal Food Fridays.

This is one I particularly like as it encourages you to use up leftovers, look for cheaper ingredients and even make meals that take less energy or time to cook. In fact, I'll let Helen explain in her own words:

Frugal Food Fridays are all about saving some money, whilst still enjoying great food.
To take part, blog about a food related money saving idea and add your post to the round up Linky.
Please use the logo and also link to this post.
Money saving topics could be:-
  • Dishes using cheaper ingredients – cheap cuts of meat or vegetarian
  • Meals using leftovers
  • Meals using up the ends of packets
  • Substitutions of cheaper ingredients
  • Packed lunches
  • Meals that use less energy to cook
  • Pressure cooking
  • Slow cooking
  • Faster cooking – less oven time for example
  • Batch cooking for the freezer
  • Sustainable foods
  • Food you have grown yourself
  • Meals from reduced food in the supermarket 
Helen is looking for more guest hosts so if you are interested contact her at  helen at fussfreeflavours dot com.

Please include the badge on your blog post and add your post to the Linky below. I'm hosting the challenge until June 30th and look forward to seeing your entries! (And they don't have to be posted on a Friday!)

 You also need to link to the main Frugal Fridays page in order to be able to add a post to the Linky

Details of this challenge should also appear on the Food Blog Diary.


  1. Yay love frugal food fridays - I'm sure I'll think of something :)

  2. Thanks for hosting this Caroline. I hate to see food wasted and things this is a great way to share ways of cooking economically.

  3. Thanks for hosting Caroline. Just added mine.

  4. Happy hosting Caroline. Just added mine. :)

    - Sarika


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