Tuesday 21 August 2012

Birthday card - dad reading the newspaper

I made this birthday card for my boyfriend's dad using a decoupage kit so it was pretty easy. I also added a gold 'happy birthday' outline sticker on a raised piece of card as a banner at the top. Even the backing paper came from the same decoupage kit.

The picture shows a man falling asleep in an armchair under a newspaper - I have to say, it's a pretty stereotypical image, even though I do quite like it. I do try to make greetings cards that would be appropriate for either gender but occasionally run out of ideas when it comes to cards for men, and turn to magazines for ideas or buy ready-to-craft kits. In these cases I find that the cards that are aimed specifically at men are broad stereotypes - e.g. cars, boats, or lazy men watching TV and drinking beer, or sports - but I don't know any men who are interested in football or golf, which seem to be the main two! What ideas do you all come up with when it's your dad, uncle, or boyfriend, or husband's birthday? Whether you make or buy a card I'd love any suggestions for themes or images that are a little more masculine than just generic patterns but at the same time don't reinforce stereotypes that aren't necessarily true!

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