Tuesday 4 April 2017

Meal Planning Monday 2017 - Week 14

I've had a really busy week and only done one blog post since the last meal plan, of some Easter cards I made with my friend's daughter. It's been a really busy week - I made a cake for a charity I now volunteer with, and baked my husband's 40th birthday cake, and had a busy weekend of activities for his birthday. I've just sat down on Sunday night - with the weather still gorgeous but apparently getting much cooler in the next few days - to try and figure out what we are eating this week. I've done no food shopping this weekend as we were away and can pick up a few bits mid-week but will have to magic meals out of the freezer I think!

Lunch- rest of chicken alfredo
Dinner- chicken chargrills, lamb grillsteak, with mashed potato - ended up not making dinner and going to bed as I was ill so my husband ordered a pizza!

Tuesday- working from home
Lunch- chicken and butternut squash risotto
Dinner- pulled pork and potato wedges

Lunch- chicken salad
Dinner- my husband is out, I will have salmon and vegetables and hollandaise sauce

Lunch- mackerel salad
Dinner-fishcake with poached egg for me, gammon and poached egg for him

Lunch- chicken salad
Dinner- pizza topped chicken and chips

Lunch- with my husband's family for a belated birthday meal
Dinner- eggs benedict on waffles from this recipe - might miss out the marmite!

Lunch- prawn fajitas
Dinner - roast chicken I didn't do last week

This is a blog hop, join in!

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm pizza topped chicken is a favourite here! Hope you have had a good week and sorry for the late comment. Thank you for sharing with #MealPlanningMonday x


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