Monday 31 October 2016

Meal Planning Monday 2016 - Week 44

I have a whole week off work this week which is great - I had some annual leave to use up and decided to use it to tackle all the big jobs around the house I had been putting off. The aim had originally been to finish the decorating with my husband but he wasn't able to get any time off work, and I don't want to do it on my own - I did enough of the decorating when we moved in as he couldn't get as much time off work then either! I have plenty of things to keep me occupied, from reorganising the kitchen cupboards to trying to finally get the hang of my sewing machine to changing my name on various databases that I started doing after I got married in June, but haven't had time to finish!
It also means I can have a bit more fun in the kitchen, though as my husband will want me to pick him up from the train station after work I can't make anything that will require me standing over the stove for a long time - unless I tell him to get the bus!

Lunch:  mackerel fillets in korma sauce on toast
Dinner: Sonoran chicken pasta (America's Most Wanted Recipes p.205)

Lunch: jacket potato
Dinner: sausage and baked bean pie for him, homemade mac and cheese with chorizo for me

Lunch: pizza toastie
Dinner: Santa Fe chicken (America's Most Wanted Recipes p.10) with mashed potatoes

Lunch: rest of mac and cheese (easy to heat up as the cleaner is here)
Dinner: my husband is out at the cinema. I'll have Shrimp Marinara (America's Most Wanted Recipes p.232) with broccoli bites (p.26)

Lunch: broccoli cheese soup (America's Most Wanted Recipes p228)
Dinner: chicken nuggets (Deceptively Delicious p.76) with chips - well it is Friday!

Lunch: I'm out all day on a course
Dinner: Today is the 6 year anniversary of when my husband and I met! I won't be home that early because of the course so I need a simple dinner -one of his favourite things is steak and chips.

Lunch: baked camembert with fougasse
Dinner: spiced roast lamb chops with roots and alliums (Sophie Grigson's Country Kitchen p.145) with gammon for him as he doesn't eat lamb

This is a blog hop: join in!


  1. Your meal plan sounds delicious! I love the sound of the mac and cheese with the chorizo. Hope you have a lovely week off x #mealplanningmonday

  2. Sounds fab, especially tonight's chicken and also your baked camembert, yum!!


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