Saturday 1 September 2012

Alphabakes September 2012

Another giveaway!
We're very pleased to be able to announce this month that there is another prize for one Alphabaker, to be picked at random - and this time international postage is possible which means the prize is open to all of you!
Charbonnel et Walker has been making fine English chocolates since 1875 and this is your chance to get your hands on a box of their delicious truffles for free! Hat tip to my co-host for Alphabakes, Ros at TheMoreThanOccasionalBaker, who was invited to a blogger event by Charbonnel et Walker recently and as well as getting to try some of their chocolates (jealous, moi?!) managed to secure us this month's prize.

So I won't keep you in suspense any longer... I suspect all you want to know is what letter has been chosen at random for this month's Alphabakes challenge.... and that letter is....


I think most people should find that pretty easy as there are a lot of ingredients beginning with P... peanut butter and pecans spring to mind... though it would also be good to see some bakes beginning with P in the name as well. Don't forget you can do either, and each entry to Alphabakes gets you another entry into the prize drawer.
A reminder of the rules is below - the deadline for entries is September 25th. I should also say that I'm actually on holiday from September 4th to the 20th, so will do my best to keep an eye on the email inbox (and Ros has kindly offered to help me out this month) and on Twitter, but you'll have to forgive me if I don't manage to retweet everything. I will be back in plenty of time to do the roundup!

For that reason, please make sure you do email your entries to We will retweet ones that we see on Twitter but it's quite hard to keep track of entries this way, so if you want to make sure you are included in the roundup, please don't forget to email!
1. Post your recipe on your blog and link it to The More than Occasional Baker and Caroline Makes, stating the relevant month's host. If you do not have a blog, email us a picture and a brief description of your entry which we will include in the round-up at the end of the month.

2. You can use your own recipe or someone else's recipe. The recipe can be sweet, savoury or a mixture! Anything goes as long as the random letter is predominantly featured in the recipe as one of the main ingredients or flavours or in the name of the bake itself (i .e . not as a garnish , or using 'flour' for the letter F!) You can also republish old posts/recipes but you must include the information for this challenge as stated in these rules.

3. Add the logo to your post and add 'alphabakes' as a label to your post.

4. Email your entries to by midnight (GMT) 25th of each month. Please include:
  • Your name (that you want included in the round up or we will use the name of your blog)
  • Your blog post URL
  • Recipe title
  • Photo of recipe (to be included in the round up)
5. You can submit as many entries as you like.

6. You do not have to participate every month to join in.

7. You may submit your entry to other challenges as long as it complies with their rules.

8. If you use twitter, please use the tag #alphabakes and mention @bakingaddict and @Caroline_Makes. We will retweet all those that we see.


  1. excellent... now how can I twist this in my own very special way?

    1. Maybe you should pick a cookery book at random and look in the index for something beginning with the letter P!

  2. P for lots of perfect bakes! Have a lovely holiday!

  3. Great letter! I've already got quite a few bakes in mind... now to find the time!

  4. Oh good, P is nice and easy. And a lovely prize too.


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