Monday 8 January 2018

Meal Planning Monday 2018 - week 2

I've found having gestational diabetes has increased my grocery bills... but at the same time I did my first bit of batch cooking over the weekend and now have five portions of lasagne in the freezer. Just need to do a bit more of that so I can have some easy dinners when the baby is born!

Breakfasts – will depend on what time I go into work but either: overnight oats; yogurt; toast with peanut butter, or protein if I feel I need to avoid carbs eg egg, ham, smoked salmon

Lunch: sandwich
Dinner: spiralized carrot and butternut squash with prawns and mascarpone (recipe previously on my blog)

Lunch: sandwich
Dinner: pasta with a cheesy sauce with chicken

Lunch: soup
Dinner: spicy chicken escalopes

Thursday- working from home
Lunch: soup
Dinner: pork chop and cauliflower cheese

Lunch: sandwich
Dinner: salmon en croute with vegetables

Lunch: prawn/chicken fajitas
Dinner: chicken mini roast - I'm going to treat myself to some roast potatoes!

Lunch: packed lunch on NCT class
Dinner: vegetarian toad in the hole based on this recipe

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