
Tuesday 13 December 2011

Christmas decorations

I decided to have a go at making some Christmas decorations after my boyfriend's mum bought me a pack of pine cones. They definitely work out cheaper than buying ready-made decorations- this huge bag was only £1.49 from the local garden centre! I also bought a can of silver spray which was about £3, and a couple of cheap decorations (plastic holly for 50p, anyone?) from Robert Dyas.

All I did - as time is a luxury I don't really have right now - was lay the pine cones on some newspaper and spray them silver. It wasn't as messy as I'd thought!

Then I arranged them in a bowl with the other decorations I bought. They don't look bad at all, for just a few pounds and five minutes work (plus about half an hour for the pine cones to dry).

1 comment:

  1. They look great! Its amazing what a can of silver spray can do (edible and non edible!)


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