
Tuesday 13 December 2011

Christmas cards 2011

Here is a selection of some of the Christmas cards I made this year. I didn't have as much time as I would have liked and so therefore kept them relatively simple. Next year I hope to be able to put a bit more time and effort into them... maybe I should start making them in the summer!
These first ones (above) are a mixture of a decoupage pack and some simple stickers and backing paper.
These next ones (below) use a mixture of Forever Friends stickers and some cute penguin stickers.

Silver and gold outline stickers look effective on a plain green background - and are fairly quick to make!

This one was for my boyfriend, an extra large card using pieces from a decoupage pack.

1 comment:

  1. Love the penguins! I don't think I've made my own cards since I was a child!


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