
Monday 3 October 2016

Meal Planning Monday 2016 - Week 40

I have to say, I'm glad that Sugar Free September is over. I did really well to start with and cut out sugar entirely - even hidden sugars in things like bread, and I stopped eating potatoes as the gluten turns to sugar in your body. But it took a lot of forward planning, a lot of organisation, a lot of meals where I ate spiralized vegetables and watched my husband tucking into a plate of chips or even a pizza and also a lot of guilt when I did fall off the wagon. Towards the end of the month I ate a lot of things I shouldn't; I wasn't that bad (I didn't go and buy a Mars bar from the vending machine at work, if that's what you're thinking) but I did start eating white bread, and potatoes, and a couple of homemade chocolate brownies I made for a friend when we went to visit. Well, we can't all be perfect!

My weight loss has been up and down - I had lost almost 6 pounds, two thirds of the way through the month, but a health professional friend told me I wasn't eating enough and for sustainable weight loss, I needed to fuel my body multiple times a day. So I started eating more, and the weight crept back on. I also realised how much I struggle to drink two litres of water a day - I don't know how people do it! So I'm going to stick with eating as healthily as I can, with the occasional treat - such as enjoying the same meal as my husband. There's nothing wrong with chips once a week!

I will continue to eat salads rather than sandwiches for lunch and as the weather gets colder I will try some more wintery salad recipes or make some soups. I'm also going to avoid carbs in the evenings as much as possible, and definitely think twice before I have a sugary snack. I nearly bought some of my favourite Haribo in the supermarket today and actually got as far as the checkout when I dumped them to the side of the conveyor belt (sorry - I know customers aren't meant to do that)!

salmon and vegetables for me, gammon and mashed potato for him
NB marinade chicken for tomorrow

chicken curry to use up coconut milk from this recipe

my husband will probably be at his mum's so I'll have the two pork kebabs that are left in the freezer from barbecue season, with either any leftover rice from yesterday or couscous

bubble and squeak tatties with veg for me, chicken chargrills for him

NB out of the office on a training course all day where lunch is provided
Dinner - for a Friday treat, something like chicken kievs and chips

Lunch: tuna melt bagel for me, bacon and scrambled egg bagel for him
Dinner: spicy steaks again in the freezer that we never got round to barbecueing, with potato wedges

Lunch: jacket potatoes
Dinner: Slimming World diet coke chicken
This is a blop hop, join in!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot all about slimming world Diet Coke chicken! I might try it with quirk chicken pieces


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