
Monday 1 February 2016

Meal Planning Monday Week 6

Week 2 of following - for convenience more than anything - and I'm already switching it up. I don't like wasting food but a lot of the meals last week meant I've got half-finished ingredients in the fridge, so am going to use them up this week or freeze them if I can.

Breakfasts as before will be porridge, yogurt or eggs.

Lunch: brie and bacon sandwich
Snack: rice cakes with Philadelphia Light (will switch for Ryvita as I have these already)
Dinner: Quorn cheese and broccoli escalope with new potatoes and veg OR might be out for dinner this evenig

Lunch: houmous and salad sandwich on wholemeal bread, yogurt, apple
Snack: I piece of toast with marmalade is the suggested option. My personal trainer would really not be happy with all this bread and not enough protein!
Dinner: quick Thai stir-fry with Quorn chicken-style pieces

Lunch: tuna pasta
snack: carrot sticks and houmous
Dinner (at cake decorating class): ham salad sandwich as yesterday

Lunch: ham and salad sandwich, yogurt, fruit
Snack: Ryvita and low fat spread
dinner: homemade sweet potato lasagne from freezer, veg

Lunch: prawn mayo sandwich on brown bread
Snack: rice cakes with Philadelphia Light
Dinner: burger in a bun with salad

Lunch: bacon sandwich for him, Bachelors pasta or similar for me
Dinner: Old El Paso taco kit - chicken for him, fish for me

Lunch: soup and fresh bread
Dinner: Chicken chasseur with packet mix I thought would be quick but it takes 50 mins to cook - with roast potatoes

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