
Monday 10 August 2015

Meal Planning Monday Week 33

I seem to be permanently far busier these days than I ever was before, which makes meal planning even more important, but I haven't got the time to go through all my cookery books for inspiration. Instead, this is a rough plan, which I might change nearer the time when I see what fresh food is on offer in the supermarket or if I have more time to flick through a cookery book.

Monday - BBQ or houmous-topped chicken breasts
Tuesday - out with my boyfriend's dad for his birthday
Wednesday – at a BBQ event for bloggers, hope the weather is nice!
Thursday - fish for me, chicken kiev for him
Friday - curry
Saturday lunch- grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches (a half sandwich with salad for me!)
Dinner – BBQ?
Sunday lunch- beans on toast type of thing
Dinner - roast poussin for me, roast chicken breast for him


  1. Oh the mention of grilled cheese and bacon sandwiches are making me hungry! Have a great week x

  2. I do love a good bbq, loving that there is 3 featruing in your meal plan :)


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