
Tuesday 7 April 2015

F1 Foods: Malaysia Roundup and the next challenge

There were twice as many entries for Formula 1 Foods this time - the challenge is still in its infancy so it would be great to get a few more people linking up! You can make anything you like that comes from, represents or is otherwise inspired by the country hosting each Formula 1 Grand Prix.

On the weekend of April 11 and 12 it is the turn of China, so add your Chinese recipes to the linkup below!

Last time it was Malaysia, and it was great to see some dishes I'd never heard of before.

Suelle at Mainly Baking sent in this Tropicana Banana Cake - the tropical fruits (banana, coconut, pineapple, mango, papaya and orange) reminded her of Malaysia and she said the cake had a light, but moist, tender crumb.

A savoury dish now from Christian at Cooking Around The World, who runs similar challenges himself. He made a chicken rendang, which I don't think I've ever eaten but it sounds like a real explosion of flavours and something I would be keen to try!

I made these pineapple cookies which were quite tricky and I didn't quite get them right but they did taste nice! These are from a traditional Malaysian recipe.

Jane at Onions and Paper made gado gado, which I'd never come across before. It's a salad made with a mixture of raw and cooked vegetables and usually eaten as a side dish; Jane had it as part of a huge Malaysian meal which sounds like fun!

Finally a late entry from Ros at The More Than Occasional Baker; she revisted an old post where she made a pandan chiffon cake. Pandan is a tropical plant used frequently in south east Asian cooking. The cake looks amazingly light and fluffy!

Enter your dishes and bakes for the China challenge here - ends Tues April 14


  1. Lovely round-up! Most of the dishes I have never heard of before. I hope, your challenge continues to grow!

  2. I can't get inspired by China, I'm afraid (there's not much in the baking line), so I'll be sitting this one out! I quite liked the look of Chinese custard tarts, but my husband hates custard, and they are quite fiddly to make. I still hope to join in with future events.

  3. Awwww...... I thought I was in time since the linky was due to close today, but it's already closed! Here's my post -

  4. Sorry - thanks for your entry, I will add it to the roundup!


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