
Monday 30 March 2015

Meal Planning 2015 - Week 14

It's a busy week this week and Easter as well! Are you all looking forward to some Easter cooking and baking? Here's my meal plan for the week:

Monday lunch: early lunch at home as I have a dentist appointment
Dinner: out with my boyfriend's cousin and sister-in-law for a girl's night

Dinner: out for my boyfriend's birthday which is the following day

Wednesday: my boyfriend wants to invite his parents to our house for a takeaway for his birthday

Thursday: Finally a day at home to cook! I'll have fish and vegetables and do gammon for my boyfriend

Good Friday - bank holiday
Lunch: bacon/sausage sandwich
Dinner: Maggi So Juicy Mexican chicken with homemade potato wedges

Lunch: inviting my boyfriend's extended family round for his birthday
Dinner: leftovers from lunch?

Easter Sunday
Lunch: home made hot cross buns
Dinner: Ginger ale can chicken from this recipe


  1. Ooh enjoy all your meals out :) And homemade hot cross buns, they'll be yummy! I'm hoping to make some coconut Easter nests, a French variety of our chocolate ones I think. Have a lovely week and Easter xx

  2. Some yummy ideas there, I'm intrigued by the ginger ale can chicken sounds tasty! Home made hot cross buns, wow! I can literally smell them from here, I love them but haven't had any at all this year. Have a great week #mealplanningmonday


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