
Monday 25 August 2014

Meal Planning Monday 2014 - Week 35

We finally get to move into our new house this week! It's been a long time coming - our offer was accepted at the beginning of March and even though there were only three parties in the chain (us being the one in the middle) it has taken an incredible amount of time. We even had to sell my house and move in with my boyfriend's mum for three weeks until our vendors were willing to complete on their house. And at the time of writing it hasn't actually happened yet, so cross your fingers for us!

Monday - bank holiday
Lunch - mackerel in mustard on toast
Dinner - rest of chicken traybake from Sunday or cod fillet which I will jazz up somehow

lunch - chicken and couscous
dinner -  chicken in breadcrumbs and chips or cod if I didn't have it yesterday

lunch - sandwich
dinner - taking my boyfriend's mum out to say thanks for having us to stay

lunch - probably waiting in a van with the removal men as we complete on the new house today so might have to buy a sandwich
dinner - our first night in our new house, if all goes to plan! I think my boyfriend is very keen to do the first night in a new house tradition of fish and chips eaten out of the paper.

lunch - day off, unpacking so will probably go out and get a sandwich
dinner - after a hard day's unpacking I expect my boyfriend will want to order a pizza but as I get weighed at Slimming World first thing on Saturday I don't think that's a very good idea! I could just have some pasta as it's easy.

lunch - beans/macaroni cheese on toast
dinner-  chicken Maryland from Good Housekeeping recipe book

lunch - bacon sandwich for the other half, mackerel in mustard on toast for me
dinner -steak and chips


  1. Oh good luck with the move! I don't blame you for planning a takeaway on your first night there! x

    1. Thanks for the good wishes! It went really well though we have a lot of redecorating to do now.

  2. Good luck with the move! I hope it all works out for you!!
    Ahhh Fish & chips is just perfect for the first night in a new house....I've done the same every time we've moved :)

  3. can you still get tins of mackerel in mustard???? we can't,so we have gone onto mackerel in curry sauce.

    1. Yes all sorts of shops have it including Tesco, I love it! I haven't had it since I was a teenager I don't think until I rediscovered it about a year ago.


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