
Monday 23 June 2014

Meal Planning 2014 - Week 26

This is my 100th Meal Planning Monday so I thought I'd share a few words on why I do it.
- I link up to a roundup of meal plans on At Home With Mrs M. It's nice to get comments but more importantly, it gives me a chance to see what other people are planning and borrow some ideas!
- I don't get home from work until 7pm so haven't got time to look in the fridge and cupboards and decide what to eat, I need to know in advance exactly what I'm cooking
- I like to cook from recipes, and while I have to make relatively quick dishes during the week, I can search out recipes at leisure one evening or at the weekend, put links on my meal plan and then know exactly where to find them when I get home from work.
- Planning your menu means you will save money, as you can reuse ingredients and only buy what you know you are going to use.
- As I'm trying (badly) to follow Slimming World, I also need to plan breakfasts and lunches so this meal plan helps me to do that
- I like lists! I like to be organised and write things down :-)

Do you plan your week's meals?

I'm making a few dishes this week inspired by the countries playing in the World Cup - even though I'm unlikely to watch (m)any of the matches! It does explain some of the more unusual dishes on my meal plan over the next couple of weeks though.

Monday - Out at the Big Easy restaurant

Tuesday - baked conchiglioni with sausage sage and butternut squash for me; probably something like sausage and mash for the other half as he's super fussy

 Wednesday - possibly home alone: black bean stew with beef in slow cooker 

 Thursday - rest of beef stew for me; pizza for him (I'd love pizza but am on a diet!)

Friday- sole meuniere for me, with French fries, egg and chips for him
Saturday lunch - ploughmans with my parents who are visiting
dinner - out in Wimbledon pre-theatre
Sunday brunch- bacon sandwich (my parents are leaving mid-morning)
dinner: chicken in rose petal sauce

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