
Monday 5 May 2014

Meal Planning Monday 2014- Week 19

Hopefully the weather will be nice enough that I'm going to my first barbecue of the year on Bank Holiday Monday. I can't believe we're into May already!

Bank holiday. Brunch: bacon sandwich for my boyfriend, I just had some cereal and yogurt as a late breakfast as we were having an early dinner
Dinner: family BBQ

Out at a Guardian Masterclass on blogging and food photography so I will take a sandwich for the evening and probably some BBQ leftovers I can heat up for lunch

 Homemade pizza or bbq leftovers

 Fresh pasta for me, chicken kiev and chips for him

Out with my uni friends at an Indian restaurant for a belated birthday dinner

Lunch: My boyfriend has to work today so I will be at home alone for lunch
Dinner: chicken leg with Maille mango and Thai spice mustard, which I bought from their new mustard boutique in London (more on this later!)

Lunch: soup with fresh bread again at my boyfriend's request though if the weather is hot we may have more of a bread, ham and cheese lunch in the garden.
Dinner: Slimming World boeuf bourgignon for me, beef curry for the other half

1 comment:

  1. Everything sounds delicious! Have a great week....Sounds like a busy one for you x


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