
Monday 7 April 2014

Meal Planning Monday 2014 week 15

Back to a more normal week but as we will be moving house at some point (just waiting for the completion date) I need to start using up the food in the freezer. I'm actually a bit in the dark about how far in advance you have to switch the freezer off before you move, and how long you wait before you turn it back in again. It doesn't help that I have a combined fridge freezer so could be without a fridge for several days as well! I've gone through the freezer and made a list of everything in there (and, ahem, threw away a couple of things I couldn't identify) so meals for the next few weeks will be built around using things up.

I haven't done very well at losing weight over the last month or so (i.e. I haven't) so this week I am trying to follow a Slimming World 7-day meal plan as much as I can bearing in mind I usually don't like half their suggestions and that I am trying to use up food in the freezer.

Breakfast mango puree, plain yogurt, museli
Lunch ryvita with soft cheese or leftovers from boyfriend's birthday buffet yesterday

Dinner fish pie for me, sausage and mash for him

Breakfast mango puree, plain yogurt, museli
Lunch baked potato with tuna

Dinner going to a work event in the evening and I think the plan is for the team to go for a curry afterwards

Breakfast yogurt

Lunch sandwich/bagel

Dinner burger and chips for him, vege burger (as fewer calories) for me

Breakfast yogurt

Lunch sandwich/bagel

Dinner salmon and dill tray bake with new potatoes magazine p.67

Breakfast yogurt

Lunch sandwich

Dinner SW herby crumbed fish with homemade chips - new magazine p.28

Breakfast yogurt

Lunch tuna melt bagel

Dinner SW steak bearnaise with potato bake, magazine p.56

Breakfast yogurt

Lunch beans on toast

Dinner SW coq au vin with herby mash, magazine p.54

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