
Monday 10 March 2014

Meal Planning Monday - week 11

My plans to start going to the gym again last week didn't really happen, as I kept having meetings at lunchtime, then on the one day I was finally able to go, I forgot my trainers! They now live under my desk so that won't happen again. I'm also considering starting to walk to the train station instead of getting the bus but it's quite a long way and if I get held up at work I will risk missing my train. How do all of you manage to fit exercise into your day?

Here's what I'm planning to cook this week:

Breakfast cereal
Lunch sandwich

Dinner: home alone; I planned to catch up on Revenge but ended up filling in paperwork for the solicitor all night as I am selling my house! At least it was a chance to cook something my boyfriend wouldn't like so I had a stir-fry

Breakfast cereal
lunch leftover stir fry
dinner lemon chicken with rice. Dessert if I have time to make it: mini sticky toffee pudding

Breakfast yogurt
Lunch sandwich
Dinner sausage and mash for the other half, fish for me.

Breakfast yogurt
Lunch sandwich
Dinner out at a cookery demonstration and dinner with TV chef Phil Vickery

Breakfast yogurt
Lunch sandwich
Dinner something quick that won't make any mess as we have people viewing my house on Saturday, so maybe chicken in breadcrumbs with chips

Breakfast yogurt
Lunch quick lunch as we have a house viewing and won't be back til 1, and have to be at a children's birthday party at 2. I think a tortilla pizza will work - a flour tortilla filled with tomato sauce, ham and cheese and folded over in half.
Dinner Last Saturday we had takeaway instead of my planned meal as we got back late from viewing houses so tonight I will cook last Saturday's menu, lamb tagine for me and toad in the hole for him.

Breakfast yogurt
Lunch I'm having afternoon tea with a friend at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium - London's first cat cafe, which I am so excited about!
Dinner Then I am meeting a different friend later for tapas and to see a comedy show in the evening - I highly recommend the Lost Shows of Tom Bell if anyone is in London and can make it! Not that I've seen the show yet, but I knew Tom at university and he's done very well on the comedy circuit since then (and can currently be seen advertising Mars bars on TV!).

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I have to go to that cat café - it looks absolutely amazing! And good luck with the exercise - trying to get into a routine of fitting in some swimming and classes has been on my to-do list since, well, January and it is very difficult (plus, to be honest, I don't think I'm terribly motivated).

    Enjoy your week.



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