
Tuesday 13 August 2013

Watermelon Cocktail

I like to think I'm quite good at using up leftovers. Recently, I bought a quarter of a watermelon for £1 from Morrisons. I used it to make salmon with watermelon salsa (which I haven't blogged yet, but will); watermelon and feta salad and this chilled watermelon soup with crayfish, which tasted amazing. There was still a little watermelon left even after all that, so I decided to make a cocktail.

This cocktail doesn't have a name as I just grabbed some of the open bottles from my cupboard. The leftover watermelon had been blended to a liquid with a dash of white wine for the soup; I mixed the remains of the liquid in a cocktail shaker with some vodka and triple sec and strained it into a cocktail glass. Now that's what I call using up leftovers!


  1. Mmm I bet that was nice! I love impromptu creations like this making good use of leftovers. Sounds like a good candidate for this month's No Waste Food Challenge to me! ;)

  2. Wow! I'm very impressed with the different things you have made with Watermelons!

  3. sounds good.


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