
Sunday 19 August 2012

Apple, pear and chocolate tarte tatin

I always seem to buy fruit then not get around to eating it before it starts to go soft, or brown in the case of these apples. I often use them up in a dessert and realised I hadn't made a tarte tatin for a while. I found a nice variation on this recipe in the Green and Black's Ultimate Chocolate Recipes: The New Collection that I got for Christmas.
Apple, Pear and Chocolate Tarte Tatin

You need:
Packet of ready-made puff pastry
(the recipe does give an alternative method for making your own pastry, with the addition of some cocoa powder, but I didn't have time to make my own pastry this time. And the recipe does say it's OK to use ready made!)
For the filling:
the recipe specifies 4-5 conference pears though I used a mixture of apples and pears
50g unsalted butter
50g granulated sugar
50g dark chocolate, grated

Preheat the oven to 190 C/ Gas mark 5. Peel the apples and pears and slice them up.

For this recipe you either need a tarte tatin dish (whatever that is) or an ovenproof frying pan. My Le Creuset pan (that and my cat are about the only good things I salvaged from my relationship with my ex, haha!) is cast iron and has a handle that can go in the oven. Melt the butter in whatever pan you are using, add the sugar and allow to caramelise.

Arrange the apples and pears in the pan - I decided to make one half apples and the other half pear. Allow to cook for 5-10 mins or longer in the case of apples.

Sprinkle with grated chocolate

Allow to cool slightly then roll out the puff pastry and place over the top of the pan so it completely covers the fruit. Put in the oven and cook for 20-25 minutes.

Invert onto a plate - you can see here how the fruit has caramelized and the chocolate has melted. Serve with ice cream or plain fromage frais. It's delicious!

I'm sending my Tarte Tatin into this month's Alphabakes challenge, hosted by my co-host Ros from The More Than Occasional Baker, as this month's letter is T.

I am also sending this in to Tea Time Treats hosted by Karen of Lavender and Lovage and Kate of What Kate Baked as their theme for this month is pies and tarts.

I am also sending this to Bake Fest, hosted by Foodomania - a roundup of vegetarian baked recipes blogged any time in August.


  1. A FABULOUS and dare I say, very Autumnal recipe that has all my favourite ingredients in it! A PERFECT picnic pie for Tea Time Treats and one that I may steal from you when my apples and pears are ready! Karen

  2. Really beautiful. I don't think I've ever made tart tatin but I really must. Love all the sticky caramelised fruit. Divine!

  3. That looks delish! Chocolate and pear are wonderful together.
    Puff Pastry makes any dish a treat. Must try this one. Thanks!

  4. I dont get round to eating all my fruit either which is probably why I bake so much with fruit especially bananas! This looks great! I'll have to dig this book out as I've not made much from it.

  5. Like Ros I think one of the main reasons I bake with fruit is because I forget to eat it in the first place!

    A delicious way of using up apples. Good job you managed to hold on to your Le Creuset pan!

  6. I love Green and Black chocolates and their recipes!

  7. I always think the Green and Blacks recipe book looks fab but I haven't gotten round to acquiring one yet!! I love the idea of a chocolate tarte tatin!! :-)

  8. Ooh what a great combo with the chocolate too, sounds tasty!

  9. What a super recipe, this week's GBBO has inspired me to hotfoot it to the kitchen and start baking tarte tatins!

  10. Hi Caroline, came over to check out your TTT entry. Wow, love the chocolate and apple, pear combination.. delish!


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