
Thursday 1 March 2012

Alphabakes Challenge - March 2012

AlphaBakes has proved to be a resounding success! We've had some amazing entries to our first ever monthly challenge - 33 altogether! For the full round-up, pop on over to my co-host Baking Addict's blog.

I hope everyone who entered enjoyed the challenge, and I'm looking forward to seeing March's entries! I am hosting the challenge this month, and the magic letter randomly generated for March is.....

I think this is a little harder than last month's challenge, which as you will remember was the letter L, as for many people lemons immediately sprang to mind. But we had some extremely creative entries last month (and there's nothing wrong with using the most obvious ingredient!) and I think there are plenty of ingredients - or types of cake - beginning with the letter M. And as an unexpected bonus, it's Mothers' Day this month too!

So get your thinking caps on, get baking, and send us those wonderfully tempting recipes and pictures! Don't forget you have until March 25th. Then I'll post a round-up here on my blog, and Baking Addict will kick off the challenge for April at the beginning of next month.

Just as a reminder, here are the rules below:
1. Post your recipe on your blog and link it to The More than Occasional Baker and Caroline Makes, stating the relevant month's host. If you do not have a blog, email us a picture and a brief description of your entry which we will  include in the round-up at the end of the month. 

2. You can use your own recipe or someone else's recipe. The recipe can be sweet, savoury or a mixture!  Anything goes as long as the random letter is predominantly featured in the recipe as one of the main ingredients or flavours or in the name of the bake itself (i .e . not as a garnish , or using 'flour' for the letter F!)  You can also republish old posts/recipes but you must include the information for this challenge as stated in these rules. 

3. Add the logo to your post and add 'alphabakes' as a label to your post. 

4. Email your entries to by midnight (GMT) 25th of each month. Please include: 
  • Your name (that you want included in the round up or we will use the name of your blog)
  • Your blog post URL
  • Recipe title
  • Photo of recipe (to be included in the round up)
5. You can submit as many entries as you like.

6. You do not have to participate every month to join in.

7. You may submit your entry to other challenges as long as it complies with their rules.

8. If you use twitter, please use the tag #alphabakes and mention @bakingaddict and @Caroline_Makes. We will retweet all those that we see. 

9. Have fun! :) 


  1. very excited... just made my first alphabakes entry... will post tomorrow... woo hoo!

    1. Thanks Dom - I'm looking forward to seeing it!

  2. I've made one this month! submitting it now! :)

  3. so sorry I missed out this month, would love to hear about it again:)

    1. That's a shame. Baking Addict is hosting April's challenge so go to her site any time from April 1st to find out the new letter: I'll be hosting again in May! You can also follow us both on twitter for updates, I'm Caroline_Makes
      Hope you get a chance to enter in April!


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