
Sunday 16 November 2014

Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme Pudding

I seem to have had barely five minutes to sit still since moving into our new house at the end of August; we still haven't finished decorating or unpacking! I suddenly realised I hadn't so much as thought about what to make for Alphabakes, the blog challenge that I created with Ros of The More Than Occasional Baker. She is hosting the challenge this month and has chosen the letter H.

While I'd love to browse through my 100+ cookery books, time is not on my side this month and I do have a huge bag of ingredients beginning with H to use up... my boyfriend's mum went to America in September and brought me back several bags of Hershey's kisses. So I decided I had better use that as my H ingredient and find a recipe that would fit!

I've made a few things with Hershey's kisses before that all turned out pretty well. My boyfriend particularly likes the Cookies 'n' Creme flavour, though they are not my favourite, but I thought they might work well in a dessert. I found this recipe for Cookies 'n' Crème Pudding on the Hershey's website. It was a little runnier than I would have liked but still firm enough to be eaten with a spoon and it tasted very creamy and chocolatey. My boyfriend particularly enjoyed it!
You can find the recipe here.

 Unwrap precisely 28 Hershey's Kisses

 Bringing the corn flour, sugar, salt and milk to the boil

After stirring in the egg yolks and returning to the boil then adding the butter and Hershey's kisses and stirring until melted you then pour into serving glasses.

This recipe makes four small portions or two large ones.

I'm sending this to Alphabakes, the blog challenge I created with Ros of The More Than Occasional Baker. She is hosting this month and has chosen the letter H.

I'm also sending this to Treat Petite, the challenge hosted by Stuart at Cakeyboi and Kat of the Baking Explorer, as their theme is Thanksgiving and saying thank you. As these use American candy I think they would be a lovely treat for the end of Thanksgiving dinner.


  1. I've not seen a Hershey's pudding before. Great idea for a dinner party and a good use of the Hershey kisses. Thanks for entering AlphaBakes.

  2. what a genius idea!..I love the pudding. Is it set slightly or creamy? I want a bowl.. send me one please!

  3. Love Hershey's Cookies and Creme. These look well tasty, thanks for taking part.


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